Analogical smart cities Analogical smart cities

May 17, 2015
Final presentation
Click for presentation (pdf)

May 6, 2015
Making citizens smarter with analogical smart citiescase study Madrid is a toolkit based on tactical urbanism to promote active urban learning processes. It works through the translation of digital tools for urban design into analogical applications. The toolkit is the product carried out by means of real experiences developed on specific sites. After collecting data, tools were put into practice and adapted to whatever specific urban context. Through the sharing of knowledge and operational procedures the toolkit is capable of enabling social innovations that have a real impact on public spaces in the city.

May 1, 2015
Work in progress

Mar 11, 2015
Analogical smart cities
Making citizens smarter with analogical smart cities. Case study: MADRID. What is it? Is a toolkit based on tactical urbanism to promote active urban learning processes. It works through the translation of digital tools for urban design into analogical applications. Is a platform for urban knowledge interchange. It connects cities and citizens all over the world through shared urban practices. What for? Seeks to open protocols for urban design and construction. The objective is that information can become knowledge and every citizen an active and conscious agent on transforming physical spaces of his/her city. Transfers teamwork strategies and collective thinking approaches to the field of citizenship. To promote community awareness in the use of shared resources on our cities. Takes back public spaces on the city as relational spaces. The aim is to learn how to build, maintain, repair and assess public spaces from a direct, personal and collective experimentation of them. Contributes to generating a common knowledge around the concept of smart city. So that expectations generated around more efficient and transparent management of cities can be carried out starting with the development of citizenship creativity. Builds bridges linking digital and analogical aspects in the field of urban design. In order to translate figures and data into the creation of meaningful public spaces from the point of view of a playful and pedagogical experience of the city. Explores the concept of smart cities from a more human centered perspective. To push through alternative ways to look at urban issues, so that they can be able to motivate the creation of a proactive urban culture. How? Is carried out by beans of real experiences developed on site. Throughout these actions, tools are put into practice and adapted to whatever specific urban context. It’s based on a collective acquisition of tactical urbanism skills. Through the sharing of knowledge and operational procedures capable of enabling social innovation having real impact on public spaces of the city.