Award ceremony
Workshop presentation day
Presentation of Team 10, the New Urban Aesthetics. (Sometimes these coming days more pictures from the presentations and short discriptions about the workshop results will be published on the Workshop pages.)
After the presentations there was the signing of the Archiprix Workshop Certificate by the workshop leaders.
And after that, the lecture After Archiprix by Jacob van Rijs (MVRDV and chairman of the Archiprix Foundation). Photographer: Omar Faúndez (FADEU UC).
Labour day
but no day off for the workshop partipants (presentations tomorrow).
and then it was pizza time!
Group photo
With almost all workshop participants, workshop leaders and their assistents, the heads of the architecture department from FAU and Católica, some of the Archiprix team, Rayna and Carolina (the best).
Lecture by Arjen Oosterman (editor Volume)
titled The competion model. Photographer: Omar Faúndez (FADEU UC).
followed by a conversation with Pola Mora (ArchDaily) and Francisco Diaz (ARQ).
Photographer: Omar Faúndez (FADEU UC).
Lecture by Arna Mačkić (Studio LA)
titled Towards inclusive cities
Photographer: Omar Faúndez (FADEU UC).
Working at base camp 2
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28-4 People take the street. Every Sunday some main roads in the center of Santiago are closed for motorized traffic.
New base camp
27-4 The workshop base camp moved today to the campus of the architecture faculty Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Midterm workshop presentations
26-4 How to deal with gentrification you know it will happen in the near future but hasn't happened yet? Are you facilitating it, opposing it, or try to make the inevitable merge the existing condition? What should happen to the Franklin area?
Adding high-rise apartment buildings with a public program added in a space that is adjustable, flexible, and permeable? Giving shape to the dreams of the people already living and working in the neighborhood? Concentrating the commercial program, which is spreading throughout the neighborhood, and adding it with other program in the Matadero-Franklin? Claiming the neglected spaces with micro-architecture? Improve and add new green public spaces based on collected date like sound, smell, sight, and movements? Set out a system to preserve intangible elements? Use the gentrification process to make the area more sustainable and energy efficient? Or change the way the area is perceived by turning the soon to be abandoned hospital into a lookout point and market place?
On the photo: group 5/6 presenting.
Lightning Round
25-4 Lightning Round is something like Pecha Kucha but with only 3 minutes of presentation time - in Chile they speak very very fast so why take the PK 6 minutes? 32 Participants presented their graduation project with the speed of lighting.
In the picture: Juan Villalon Hernando presenting Rails of Opportunities. Strategies for the uncertainty of the Lima central railroad.
Opening exhibition
24-4 Yesterday evening the Archiprix International Chile 2019 exhibition opened at Estación Mapocho Cultural Center. All admitted graduation projects (321+!) are on display inside the old train station, outside there is a preview of the nominated projects and participants favorites.
On show until Friday 3 May, free of charge, open from 11.00-20.00.
23-4 Yesterday the workshop started with friendly words from the heads of architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Universidad de Chile and an introduction about the location of the workshop, the Matadero-Franklin neighborhood in Santiago. After the formal part, the workshop participants met their fellow participants.
For more daily updates on the Archiprix International Chile 2019 follow us on:
For more daily updates on the Archiprix International Chile 2019 follow us on:
The Archiprix International Chile 2019 event is about to start
21-4 Although the Archiprix International 2019 started spring 2018 with the call send the all universities all over the world to submit their best graduation project for the Archiprix International 2019.
No, it started long before that, when the Archiprix organisation contacted the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Arquitectura with the question if they were interessed to co organise the Archiprix International Chile 2019. After that, a lot happend. The upcoming two weeks the final stage of the event is going to take place: the workshops for the Archiprix participants, the opening of the exhibition with all 321 submitted projects, and of course the Archiprix International Award ceremony on May 3th.
The Archiprix team arrived in Santiago de Chile.
Henk - mr. Archiprix - van der Veen
from left to right: Carlos - mr. Archiprix Chile - Castillo, Marina - fly on the wall and more - van den Bergen, Max - mr. Archiprix exhibitions and more - Rink.
from left to right: Christiaan, Arne and Marcel
Eveline Kettings and Marcel - html-master and other technical stuff - van der Zwet
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News Overview