Jun 5, 2007 - SATO DAISUKE
Dear Omar Thank you for your opinion! I think that you are correct. I\'m sorry. My opinion might not be understood easily. Because I can\'t speak English so much. 1.desires For exampleš The high rise apartment is rapidly constructed in Shanghai. And ­any Chinese status or ideology long for a high-rise apartment. Many high-rise apartments are bad architectures. But, It is difficult to make Chinese notice it. Extraordinary power is necessary to make Chinese notice it. So, We should propose new good architecture that can coexist with Chinese status or ideology. This is \"Coexist with the desire. \" It is important to make a good relation to the desire. Excluding it is not necessarily correct. 2.hypocrisy Correctness is not necessarily true. Now, many radical Islam has caused terrorism. But, This fundamental cause is pressing of the correct that America, EU and Other advanced countries think about. Thinking that a lot of people are correct is not necessarily true. It is sometimes deceived that it is correct. Is it true to plant a lot of trees? No. This sometimes decreases the number of other plants and animals. Are it true to use water sparingly and to make sustainable architecture? he he I think this manifesto says too much in detail. It is important that we keep evaluating \"What is \"good\" architecture?\". Best regards Daisuke Sato

Jun 5, 2007 - FELIX GOMEZ
Me alegra mucho que el manifiesto intente ser contundente y preciso, y que la palabra \"sostenibilidad\" o \"arquitectura sostenible\" casi no aparezca en el texto, aunque se halle implícita en toda la redacción. Me alegra porque esos eran tres apuntes que te iba a enviar y son los temas que me preocupan e incomodan desde hace un par de años. Después de leer el manifiesto he reducido todo el rollo que te iba a mandar (tarde, por cierto) a un par de comentarios, \"fuera de programa\" como quién dice, solamente para intercambiar ideas, porque repito que los veo bien resueltos por el texto final. 1. Habría que acabar de una vez con el uso de \"sostenible\" como adjetivo relacionado con la arquitectura, y empezar de una vez a aceptarlo como parte inherente del sustantivo \"arquitectura\". Si no es sostenible entonces no es arquitectura. Eso de \"arquitectura sostenible\" empieza a ser de mal gusto, en mi opinión, y tan falsamente utilizado como la famosa eco-island. Lo ridículo es que se discuten chorradas como si la palabra correcta es \"sostenible\" o \"sustentable\". Un amigo decía que el adjetivo \"sostenible\" debería ser una marca registrada, y que en la construcción sólo debería ser utilizada con autorización y verificación de su correcto uso. Bueno, yo repito que ese adjetivo debe simplemente desaparecer del lenguaje y del bla bla bla del arquitecto. 2. La auténtica sostenibilidad en cada proyecto es un EQUILIBRIO, no una sumatorio. El equilibrio implica decisiones sin demagogia. Los objetivos ambiciosos que se tienen son frágiles, y su credibilidad y nuestra capacidad de convicción dependen en gran parte de la viabilidad de los proyectos (no estoy hablando de economía aquí). Por ejemplo, un proyecto viable en Finlandia será aquel que evite que sus ocupantes se suiciden (no es broma) en Invierno por las depresiones causadas por la falta de luz solar, aunque eso nos dificulte o nos impida alcanzar el nivel óptimo de eficacia energética del edificio. Bueno, sólo es un ejemplo, seguro que a ti se te ocurrirá otro. Me he enrollado un poco...así que gracias otra vez por el trabajón hecho, un saludo etc. etc. etc...Hala, Félix

Jun 5, 2007 - DMITRI KULIKOV
Dear Friends! Manifesto is a very good idea! I support it a lot!!!!!!!! One comment - Current version (that I have read ) is tooooooooooo long. To much long Omar. Difficult to read. The main idea is hiding through so long text. It needs more editing. I will work on that as well. But anyway... LETS KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!! All best friends! Kupava

Jun 5, 2007 - ANNA HERINGER
Dear Omar, Great work!! I´m so happy that you took the major work part in joining all these ideas together - thank you so much for that! Sorry, I didn`t had internet access the last few days that`s why my final comments are coming so late, but I liked Mike`s idea to keep it an open discussion paper. (I`m still looking forward for more of your ideas Mike ;)!) Some added ideas that I forgot to mention in my first brain storming and that are still moving me ... I would be happy if they could be included or if I could get your comments on that. Best regards and thanks again to Omar for his great work! Anna ...and here we go: Globalization is a challenge. Globalization is also connecting people. There is a huge potential in mutual learning and Archiprix International is a platform of such learning and exploring. Be it in the so-called developed North or in the developing South – everywhere we have to strive for sustainability in building up and changing our environment. It is one planet Earth we are all responsible for - for us and our future generations. In this regard we seek to be sensitive and promote working internationally linked and in an interdisciplinary manner with other experts. Whereas sometimes sustainability may be connected with a feeling of restricted artistic freedom and limited aesthetic value, we believe true beauty is more than just a matter of shapes or colours. For us it means entire harmony that includes all levels of built and un-built environment in ecological, economical, cultural, social and spiritual aspects. How can something be really beautiful if it is socially exploiting or a debtor to the environment? For us ideal beauty includes sustainability. As architects we are in the service of aesthetics and beauty- it is on us to realise architecture that is not a matter of self-infatuation but an attempt to reach true harmony on all levels of the entire being. Problems in cities and rural areas are inter-linked. Usually, the focus of architecture – in universities as well as in symposia, literature and in practising studios – is on urban areas. Rural areas are too often neglected. To better balance population distribution and to prevent cities from uncontrolled growth and villages from harmful brain drain we need to take care for an improved living in both areas. We need to reduce the level of primary energy of buildings. The choice of the building material is an important factor that influences the primary energy in several aspects - the specific production processes, transport and construction. To utilize existing potentials and materials with improved or upcoming technologies is a sensitive and durable way to reach sustainability, comfort and a timeless architecture. Small, regionally confined material cycles strengthen the local, mainly small economy and play a significant social role. Endogenous resources and local materials should not be replaced by products, which rely on imported raw materials and consume a high amount of energy for production as well as for transportation. Pure natural materials can be easily recycled with only minor or even without environmental impact. An advantage from an economic perspective: local materials strengthen the regional economy and create jobs through both material sourcing and construction.

Jun 5, 2007 - LAA
Today’s Archiprix is a mature bi-annual event in the World’s cultural calendar, but it still raises some interesting questions about the competition process and the relation of established architects to the rising generation. During Achiprix Shanghai 2007 I have noticed a divergence between the expectations of judges and entrants. Archiprix is a kind of coming-out ball for its entrants. Unable to show off any realized buildings, we try to doll ourselves up, make ourselves as attractive as possible. We present ourselves in what we consider our “Sunday’s” best: beautiful models and drawings and sometimes quasi-poetic and oracular written explanations. All this tended to irritate juries as we have researched and confirmed, which have mostly been composed of architects of the 1960 generation, looking for a mix of instant pragmatics and ideological engagement. For the winners, at least, the prize has a real practical value. There is of course a danger that when a student wins a prize, obtains a mention or even a nomination it can create an instant reputation, before he or she has even embarked on the hard task of everyday practice, which could lead to disappointments and frustrations afterwards. A deeper question concerns the cultural importance of Archiprix. How accurately does it detect emerging tendencies in the rising generation? When the prizes have been handed out and the travelling exhibition has set off on its tour of the various architecture schools, one asks oneself what has actually been judged: the students\' projects, the tutors who steered those students through their diplomas, the school committees that nominated them for Archiprix, or, finally, the multi-disciplinary jury? In short: who judges whom? Architectural themes have changed over the years. In the early 1980s there were many projects for social housing became the vogue. The emphasis shifted in the mid-1980s to buildings with cultural and public functions: theatres, museums, sports complexes. Instead of cosy, low-rent substitute houses in old neighbourhoods, there were high-rise apartment buildings. \'Metropolitanism\', and ideologically (quasi?) neutral realism came later on. Students, mostly educated in a tradition of Modernism and radicalized by the student movement, became interested in Constructivism or Deconstructivism. Later, new themes entered the stage. In 1989 there were many variations on \'the house\'. A year later, the concept of \'travelling\' became predominant. Then, in 1992, the two tendencies merged to form a hybrid in the image of the \'metropolitan nomad\' -- from the high-income company executive to the poor and homeless.

May 22, 2007 - OMAR RODRIGUEZ
Dearest Sato, I studied your note very carefully! The Manifesto was not addressed to the “poor people who can live only by destroying nature in the world.” The Manifesto was addressed to YOU as part of a small community of future designers willing to help the poor or rich people to “destroy nature” in a safer manner! Who do we think you are? Well, we think you are a young architect with good desires and bad desires (I actually remember your “appetite desire” because in Shanghai we had breakfast together couple times.) We also think you own a WILL; therefore you can control your desires as an adult and responsible person using your will. We truly think you can help to spread sustainable ideas and apply them in your practice if you believe in them. Are you a politician? Are you a millionaire? Are you hypocritical? I don’t know! But I know we are not “hypocritical politicians who has a lot of money.” Who do we think we are? Well, we are also young architects with good desires and bad desires. Sato, you have no idea how big our sexual desire is! One of our good desires is a better future in terms of natural resources for next generations, and we have the tools to act and change for a better world. Another of our really bad desires is to enable words like \"self-confidence,\" \"self-reliance,\" \"initiative,\" \"sustainability,\" \"optimism,\" etc. since they play little role in the contemporary liberal vocabulary. It is all about inclusion! Yes you are right, once again there are lots of good and bad desires: Many people has a strong desire for Killing other people (they just kill for fun, are you reading me?), others feel even a stronger Desire for exterminating all Asians or Blacks from the face of the earth because they are Racist! Others feel a very strong desire for Raping, and they go raping kids between the ages 6-12 years old! If you SUPPORT them, it is your choice! I DO NOT support any type of coexistence with them, and I NEVER will, unless they learn how to control their desires! Come on Sato, you know you are part of our team! Big Hug! Omar

May 21, 2007
One Voice We, participants of the Archiprix 2007 decided to confine our manifesto to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which we have some issues to bring to the fore. We first wish to present an understanding of architecture in its complete condition: cross-linking, sensitive, caring, brave, and trusting in life, in others and in ourselves as designers. We seek to prove that architecture can be affordable and ecological, can be modern and culturally rooted, social and rewarding, functional and beautiful. Introduction Globalization and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race and architectural design in general. Its damage extends from the microcosm of designing small objects for everyday use, to the macrocosm of designing buildings, cities, and the earth\'s physical surface… Architecture is about space. With every building we erect, we extinguish land. Land is needed to feed the people, land is needed to produce bio capacity, which is needed to produce energy and absorb waste. Globalization has greatly increased the life-expectancy of those who live in \"advanced\" countries, but it has also destabilized society, making life unfulfilling, subjecting human beings to indignities, leading to widespread psychological suffering (and, in the Third World, to physical suffering as well) and has inflicted severe damage to Nature. The continued irrational development of “global tools” will worsen the situation. In this regard we seek to be sensitive and promote working in an interdisciplinary manner with other experts. Architecture with Dignity 1- Architecture with dignity is the concept of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This idea applies to natural resource situations, where the long term is the focus. It also applies to many disciplines, including economic development, environment, food production, energy, social and political organization. 2- The locale becomes the pervasive zeitgeist. Local architecture with plural values is a concept and strategy by which architectural design seeks development approaches that benefit the local environment and quality of life. This development provides a framework under which architects can use their communities and resources efficiently, create efficient infrastructures, protect and enhance the quality of life, and create new shapes, forms, and materials to strengthen their image. 3- We recognize that we can perform, as an international community, in five key areas that affect design and therefore human and environmental health: site development; water economy and waste, energy efficiency, selection of materials and indoor environmental quality. Site Development 4- We understand a site as a complex object of design with social-political attributes, cultural attributes, biological attributes, and physical attributes. 5- Ideally, our new designs should avoid suburban sprawl in favor of the kind of light urban development articulated by the New Urbanism Movement. Careful mixed-use zoning can make commercial, residential and light industrial areas more accessible to the people. 6- We understand “people” also as those traveling by foot, bicycle, or public transit, as proposed in the Principles of Intelligent Urbanism. All people’s attributes should be taken into account: psychological attributes, physical attributes, spiritual attributes and socio-political attributes. 7- Globalization drastically affects our lifestyle. As it expands culture and ethnicity are slowly reduced and even architecture becomes less sensitive to social context and appears more generic. Buildings and cities have become less identified even though iconic. Cities and buildings are places we continuously relate to. By their function they require a sole representation. Therefore, it’s essential for them to constantly reflect and maintain a spirit of identity so as to make a distinction. 8 - The concept of quantity/quality in architecture. Architecture is clearly highly connected to its location. The architectural challenge - especially with the development of technology nowadays - remains demanding, although it transcends function or structure to a contextual question. Architectural typology is expected to continuously unfold contextual demands. As the issue of “what the site actually needs?” is fundamentally raised, Design becomes a measuring tool of construction, on which quality is dependent. The quality and essence character of urban context is formed by the quantity of architecture introduced into a specific surrounding. Water Economy and Waste 9- Water, especially clean freshwater, is a limited resource. Water conservation plays a key role in providing safe, healthy drinking water to people and is essential to ensuring access to clean, abundant water resources for future generations. Water must be shared while competition for its use increases as the world population grows, economic development expands and pollution impacts availability. Both new and tried-and-true technologies must be used to help reduce water use. We support focusing on the on-site use of waste. Energy Efficiency 10- We encourage designs sited to work with the forces of nature, designs where heat is recaptured (to be used immediately or stored), designs where the heat plant relying on fossil fuels or electricity is greater than 100% efficient, and designs where renewable energy is utilized. Architecture should be designed to capture and channel existing winds. 11- We recognize the urgent call for building designs to reduce the energy needs and increase the ability to capture or generate their own energy. 12- In colder climates, heating systems are a primary focus for sustainable architecture because they are typically one of the largest single energy depletions in buildings. In warmer climates we encourage the use of passive solar designs and masonry building materials with high thermal mass. In addition, often an option is the sprawl of a single story structures in order to maximize surface area and maximize cooling through heat loss. In climates with four seasons we encourage the use of integrated energy systems. 13- We value traditions. It is a trend that traditional building techniques - which are very often of ecological value - are loosing their importance, especially in developing countries. We want to focus on a dynamic culture that does not simply conserve in a formal, folkloric manner but that builds a solid bridge between the needs of modern society with its living standards, and the needs of the environment, maintaining the level of sustainability of old cultures. Materials Selection 14- We see an architecture that recycles and incorporates recycled or second hand materials. The reduction in use of new materials creates a corresponding reduction in embodied energy (energy used in the production of materials). Retrofitting old structures to serve new needs in order to avoid unnecessary development is a strategy we could follow. 15- We want to prove that good and sustainable architecture does not depend on financial ability or expensive materials. Architecture is not about luxury but about basic needs. As architects we have to respond to these basic needs, which in our eyes is privacy, social, beauty, identity, and protection against climate (shelter.) Indoor Environmental Quality 16- Architectural design can help to create a sustainable way of living within a community. While the existing social constructs can be seen to influence architecture, the opposite can also be true. An overtly socially sustainable building, if successful, can help people to see the benefit of living in a sustainable way. Architectural design can play a large part in influencing the ways that social groups interact. 17- We encourage the immersion of the international architectural community to explore different themes and social functions to break the elitist character that globalization seeks to attribute to architecture and architects. Our aim is to enable people to create homes, villages and cities that are liveable and enjoyable for them and for future generations. One Conclusion We believe that together we can make a significant contribution to a better and more beautiful world and we are looking forward to a challenging and joyful process that has already begun. We would like to invite the international architectural community to join us in these thoughts. We recognize and advocate a veritable revolution to support sustainable architectural design. And as the young generation of architects we recognize that part of our job as designers is to give people back their dignity and autonomy.